Make a donation
One-off donations from individuals, churches, groups or organisations are much appreciated at Friends Without Borders and your help can make a real difference to those we work with. Many of our asylum seekers are placed in hotels, but it's no holiday. There are no cooking facilities and people share a room with a stranger. People are given as little as £1.27 per day financial support. Asylum seekers are not allowed to work. A return bus fare to a GP appointment, or to take a child to nursery is £4. A cup of coffee can cost £4.25. A train to a solicitor appointment can range from £15 to £40. We rely on the kind donations of our supporters to help us assist people to meet these costs.
Make a regular donation
Making a regular donation ensures that we are able to plan our work with destitute asylum seekers and immigration detainees and ensure that the projects we provide are delivered effectively.
Other ways to donate
At Friends Without Borders we know that not everyone likes to use online payment methods.
We are happy to accept cheque, postal order or CAF vouchers too. Please post these to our charity head office at:
Friends Without Borders
All Saints Centre,
Commercial Road,
If you would like advice on how to setup a standing order for our charity, or you have any queries about making a donation please feel free to contact us.
We are happy to accept cheque, postal order or CAF vouchers too. Please post these to our charity head office at:
Friends Without Borders
All Saints Centre,
Commercial Road,
If you would like advice on how to setup a standing order for our charity, or you have any queries about making a donation please feel free to contact us.
Gift Aid
Friends Without Borders is a registered charity.
If you would like to give your financial support to our work please contact the office for a gift aid declaration form and send it back to us at the address shown.
If you are a UK income tax payer, please consider signing the attached Gift Aid Declaration and allow us to boost the value of your support by 25%.
If you would like to give your financial support to our work please contact the office for a gift aid declaration form and send it back to us at the address shown.
If you are a UK income tax payer, please consider signing the attached Gift Aid Declaration and allow us to boost the value of your support by 25%.
Donate working smart phones.

We always appreciate working mobile phones and devices such as lap tops and tablets to give to our clients, who wish to contact their families back home and contact the legal support they may need.
Donate Toiletries
Friends Without Borders, All Saints Centre, Commercial Road, Portsmouth, PO1 4BT, Phone: 07546 502143
Our registered charity number is: 1194005
Our registered charity number is: 1194005