On Saturday 3rd July we will walk together and share tales as part of Refugee Tales Walk of 2021.
The walk will take us through the militarised landscape in Gosport, past the site of the prison that was used most recently as an immigration and removal centre. We will take a route that passes the various military bases and the hospital, then along the coastal wall up to Fort Monckton, before heading back up to the Gosport Ferry (about 2hrs of walking, Hard to Hard & time for lunch). The idea behind the walk is to think about the relationship between the everyday environment, militarism and forced migration. Together we will celebrate our global community and take steps towards a future without immigration detention. If you would like to join us, meet at the Hard 10:50 with money for the Gosport Ferry and some lunch. If necessary, we will split into groups of 30. If you can let us know in advance that you're joining us, that would be great - email [email protected] #RTStepChange https://www.refugeetales.org/the-walk-of-2021 Head Girls Team at Portsmouth High School announce their support for Friends Without Borders11/6/2021
Portsmouth High School’s Head Girl team were delighted to announce that they are supporting Friends Without Borders, as their Sixth Form charity for the next academic year. ‘We chose Friends Without Borders because the work they do is so important to give asylum seekers and refugees a place to go to in order to access help locally,’ said Head Girl, Annalee Macfarlane, 17. ‘We feel the charity is making a real and true difference to people’s lives and we wanted to help contribute to this significant cause.’ Dr Bryony Whitmarsh, Co-Chair of the Charity, talked to the whole school in an assembly: ‘Friends Without Borders is extremely proud and grateful to have been chosen as Portsmouth High School’s Sixth Form charity. In fundraising for us and for donations of essential products, pupils will be directly supporting refugees and asylum seekers at one of the most critical times in their lives and helping us to continue our charitable services in very challenging financial times.’ The Head Girl team will spearhead fundraising activities throughout the coming year to generate money and raise awareness of the charity. They will also organise collections of essential products such as toiletries for those able to access the charity. Portsmouth High School’s Charity Week will take place in November. It has been running for almost 30 years and is always organised entirely by the Sixth Form. The week is made up of talent shows, live music events, an annual netball match versus boys from Portsmouth Grammar School and other events. It culminates in a two night Fashion Show where the Sixth Form use business acumen and entrepreneurial skills to negotiate with local shops and liaise with local businesses to put on the show. We're really looking forward to working with the girls over the next year, and will be delighted to welcome them to participate in a range of activities, as they support us to raise awareness and well-needed funds. For the full press release, please see: https://www.portsmouthhigh.co.uk/news/2021/06/head-girls-announce-support-for-portsmouth-based-charity-friends-without-borders |