MP’s Surgery
AllotmentsA small group of volunteers are taking some of our clients to a Community Allotment where they have already painted the shed and planted out some carrots and onions. It is very healthy for people living in dire poverty to have something useful to do. They are, of course, not allowed to work. HousingPart of Mrs May’s “hostile environment” is to deprive asylum seekers of a place to live or the right to rent at a certain stage in the application process. We have a number of clients in this category and have recently carried out a survey to find out how many and how they are sustaining themselves. It was a small survey but indicates that about 20 are currently homeless - 15 “sofa surfing” and 5 living on the streets. A volunteer is currently preparing a report and proposals as to how we can help them – you will be hearing more! Liverpool Trips and Signing-on
Portsmouth to be a “City of Sanctuary”A group have been working on this for a while and an official launch by the Lord Lieutenant of Hampshire is planned for Wednesday 19th June at All Saints. More information in due course. One World WeekOWW is from 21st to 28th October with many local churches taking part with a variety of events. We were particularly interested in:
Journeys Arts FestivalThis is from 19th - 28th October and has a good website with full programme details. RetirementI have been the Chairman for some years now but have told trustees that I propose to retire at the next AGM in Spring 2019. I do not propose leaving the charity or giving up all the work I do but I shall be 75 next birthday and feel it’s time for someone else to take the helm. With very best wishes,
Michael Woolley, still Chairman |