On Tuesday 5th March, Friends Without Borders were invited to attend Portsmouth Fairtrade Forum’s reception to celebrate 20 years of Portsmouth being a Fairtrade City. The event was hosted at the Mayor’s Parlour by the Lord Mayor of Portsmouth, Cllr Tom Coles and Lady Mayoress Nikki Coles. Fairtrade is about better prices, decent working conditions and fair terms of trade for farmers and workers in the developing world. Twenty years as a Fairtrade City is a wonderful achievement and follows lots of hard work. It means that Portsmouth City Council supports Fairtrade and that Fairtrade products are available in local shops, cafes and restaurants, as well as local businesses, schools, public services, churches and voluntary organisations have committed to supporting Fairtrade. The celebrations will continue during Fairtrade Fortnight from 9th to 22nd September, when we will celebrate 30 years of the Fairtrade Mark in the UK.
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